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Dongguan Futuren Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
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Dongguan Future Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-769-82385729
E-mail: laser_cy@163.com
Business Consulting:
+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang
Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
4Product warranty -> Delivery period
Location: Home ->  Product warranty ->  Delivery period
1, the delivery location, delivery time, delivery methods, transport conditions and installation time:
1.1 Place of delivery: User specified location.
1.2 Delivery time: 10 days before the date of signing the contract delivery.
1.3 Delivery: equipment to reach the designated place after the user inspection pass before delivery.
1.4 transport conditions: car Qiyun, freight borne by us.
2, the quality of the tender goods and acceptance methods Description:
2.1 products to reach the user specified location, the user organization to accept the equipment.
2.2 Acceptance criteria:
2.2.1 quality acceptance: in accordance with national standards, industry regulations or other relevant standards for product acceptance; in accordance with product specifications for product acceptance.
2.2.2 Quantity Acceptance: According to the contract requirements and packing list, product configuration list and product components of the three consistent and comes with product brochures, product certification, manual and so on a full set of technical information.
3, spare parts situation:
3.1 The fragile parts and spare parts contained in the equipment are listed in the packing list and delivered together with the equipment when delivered. If the originals in the equipment are damaged due to abnormal operation, the company according to the actual situation Warranty, to provide the appropriate spare parts, the company has enough damage to the user, for the user equipment to provide a strong support.
4, the quality assurance period of the problem of treatment period:
4.1 In the course of using the product, we guarantee that we will reply within 2 hours. If we need technical personnel to solve the problem at the scene, we will arrange the technical staff to arrive at the scene immediately within 24 hours.
Business Consulting:+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang After-sales service:+86-769-82385729 Mailbox:laser_cy@163.com
Dongguan Chuangyuan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. © Copyright 2017 Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
Chuangyuan laser is a laser marking machine / laser welding machine manufacturer, product quality assurance, rapid response after-sales problems, delivery time, can be automated, to achieve mass production
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