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Dongguan Futuren Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
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Dongguan Future Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-769-82385729
E-mail: laser_cy@163.com
Business Consulting:
+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang
Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
4Technical Support

Automatic laser marking machine in use need to pay attention to matters

Automatic laser marking machine in use should pay attention to the following points:
① automatic laser marking machine shall not arbitrarily change the protection circuit and the removal of the main components of the laser;
② automatic laser marking machine is not allowed in the absence of material directly under the air run;
③ abnormal sound during operation or other abnormal events, immediately turn off the power to check;
④ must be in accordance with the provisions of the order to start one by one automatic laser marking the various components;
⑤ automatic laser marking machine output can not be no-load;
⑥ often pay attention to add lubricating oil and water;
⑦ automatic laser marking machine to keep the work environment clean and tidy;
⑧ fully automatic laser marking machine to keep the lens clean.
Business Consulting:+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang After-sales service:+86-769-82385729 Mailbox:laser_cy@163.com
Dongguan Chuangyuan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. © Copyright 2017 Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
Chuangyuan laser is a laser marking machine / laser welding machine manufacturer, product quality assurance, rapid response after-sales problems, delivery time, can be automated, to achieve mass production
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