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Dongguan Future Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
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How to choose the right laser marking machine equipment

Laser marking machine in industrial applications has been extremely common in the face of a large number of laser equipment, how to choose the right and reasonable price of laser equipment? Today we tell how to choose the right laser marking machine equipment.
First, the laser marking machine to buy should follow the principle:
Laser marking machine technology has many valuable features. However, specific to a product in the end is suitable for the use of this technology should follow the following principles:
1, to fully consider the processing of laser processing associated with those who match the link;
2, with other existing methods can not be resolved, only the laser processing methods can be resolved;
3, should pay attention to laser processing and conventional processing of composite processing technology applications, in order to take full advantage of their strengths;
4, with other existing processing methods can be resolved, but if the use of laser processing methods can greatly improve product quality, improve production efficiency and significantly increase the economic and social benefits;
5, in the practical application, if the economy is not tense, the proposed purchase of imported configuration, because some domestic technology has not yet reached the requirements of foreign configuration machine performance and stability, less after-sales maintenance, greatly enhance the wage efficiency.
Second, the choice of laser marking machine when the specific requirements:
1, the laser marking machine output a good beam quality, including the mode and the stability of the mold;
2, the laser marking machine output power is large enough (which is the speed and effect of the key), energy is stable (usually requires a stability of 2%, in some cases requires 1%, so as to process the desired effect);
3, the laser marking machine should have high reliability, should be able to work in harsh industrial processing environment;
4, the laser marking machine itself should have a good maintenance, fault diagnosis and chain functions, downtime is shorter;
5, the operation is simple and convenient, clear control keys, can reject the illegal operation, to protect the laser from damage. In addition, the price is to focus on factors to consider.
Business Consulting:+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang After-sales service:+86-769-82385729 Mailbox:laser_cy@163.com
Dongguan Chuangyuan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. © Copyright 2017 Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
Chuangyuan laser is a laser marking machine / laser welding machine manufacturer, product quality assurance, rapid response after-sales problems, delivery time, can be automated, to achieve mass production
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