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Dongguan Futuren Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
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Dongguan Future Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-769-82385729
E-mail: laser_cy@163.com
Business Consulting:
+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang
Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
4Common problem

Maintain fiber laser marking machine to pay attention to what?

On the maintenance of fiber laser marking machine has the following four points:

Keep the inner circulating water clean. Regularly clean the laser marking machine water tank and clean the deionized water or pure water does not allow the krypton lamp to ignite before starting other components to prevent high pressure fleeing into the damaged components.

It is forbidden to start the laser power supply and the Q-switched power supply in the absence of water or water circulation. Do not allow the Q power supply to work without load (ie, turn off the Q power output terminal). First, turn off the galvanometer switch and the key switch, Laser power output (anode) floating, to prevent ignition with other electrical appliances, breakdown.

Keep the interior and machine surfaces clean and clean Periodically check the optical lenses for dirt (depending on the working environment), scrub if there is a dirt emergency. Scrub method: When cleaning the lens, be sure to be very careful, before the lens cleaning, prohibit any changes to protect the circuit and the main components of the laser.

Finally, the configuration of the laser chiller, the effective cooling of the marking machine module and Q head, to prevent the marking machine temperature is too high. In the use of the process should comply with the above matters, the correct use of laser equipment, so as to extend the equipment life and reduce costs.
Business Consulting:+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang After-sales service:+86-769-82385729 Mailbox:laser_cy@163.com
Dongguan Chuangyuan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. © Copyright 2017 Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
Chuangyuan laser is a laser marking machine / laser welding machine manufacturer, product quality assurance, rapid response after-sales problems, delivery time, can be automated, to achieve mass production
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