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Dongguan Future Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-769-82385729
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+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang
Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
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What kind of laser marking machine is used for plastic marking?

We first on the domestic mainstream laser marking machine for a brief introduction to the classification.
(1) CO2 laser marking machine. At present this type actually accounts for about 12% of the total laser marking machine market. The model has low laser power and is suitable for marking on low surfaces with low hardness and low gasification points. Mainly suitable for all kinds of non-metallic marking, customers such as playing soft plastic labels, low melting point plastic products, process paper, craft bamboo products, sanitary ceramics, glass logo, leather products, clothing fabrics and clothing accessories, Marking machine.
(2) semiconductor laser marking machine. At present this type actually accounts for more than 82% of the total laser marking machine market. The model has high laser power and is suitable for marking high surfaces with high hardness and gasification points. Customers need to play metal parts, metal plating pieces, metal surface treatment parts, all kinds of engineering plastic parts, ink paper labels, etc., can choose semiconductor laser marking machine.
(3) fiber laser marking machine. At present, this type actually accounts for about 3% of the total laser marking machine market. The model has good laser focusing, small spot, low power, high laser life, but the price is high, suitable for high hardness and high point of gasification on the surface marking, marking the scope of basically coincide with the semiconductor, but can play more slender , Marking the workpiece size smaller than the semiconductor, marking more fine lines, higher quality requirements. Mainly suitable for fine, fine pattern of fine metal pieces, metal plating parts, metal surface treatment pieces, all kinds of engineering plastic parts, chips, buttons, silicon and so on.
Plastic is an important packaging materials, plastic products on the trademark, bar code and number used to identify the mark is usually printed, paste labels, hot stamping and other external packaging processing methods, or through the plastic surface directly to the machinery Processing, such as embossing, engraving, punching, etc. to form a mark. The use of laser marking machine in the plastic surface printing mark is a high processing speed, can maintain the inherent characteristics of plastic products, so that the text, numbers or icons and plastic products become a unified overall new marking technology. Plastic products Laser marking machines use laser beams to generate symbols directly on the plastic surface, including markings, codes, labels, characters, lines, numbers, and even colors, without the need for other processing.
Laser marking equipment and materials
In order to get a clear laser mark, you must understand the following:
(1) laser marking equipment
Different laser machines can emit different wavelengths of light, different laser penetration ability is different; and the adaptability of different lasers on the mark quality and marking speed have an impact.
Although the existing laser light source for plastic surface marking a lot, but the sealed carbon dioxide laser is currently the most widely used marking laser, followed by solid-state Nd: YAG laser and diode Nd: YAG laser. Therefore, plastic products marking the preferred carbon dioxide laser, if you can not get the required contrast or plastic melting too much, you can choose Nd: YAG laser.
① carbon dioxide laser marking machine
Choose a laser marking machine, the cost is a key factor. A set of carbon dioxide laser marking machine priced at 25,000 to 35,000 US dollars, while a tube or diode Nd: YAG laser marking machine priced at 60,000 to 75,000 US dollars between. Carbon dioxide laser marking machine is through the etching of the plastic surface, evaporation clean up the waste, get a contrast label, almost no color change. In the bottling process coding process, the marking speed is the key, especially in the print characters when the general use of carbon dioxide laser.
Suitable for use of carbon dioxide laser marking machine marking plastic PVC, ABS and most of the polyester; mica filled commercial resin, such as PP, with carbon dioxide laser marking machine marking will produce frosting gray mark. Although the output power of carbon dioxide laser marking machine can reach 200W, but for plastic marking power only 10 ~ 25W, up to 50W.
Business Consulting:+86-13580993815/Mr. Yang After-sales service:+86-769-82385729 Mailbox:laser_cy@163.com
Dongguan Chuangyuan Laser Technology Co., Ltd. © Copyright 2017 Add: Dongguan City Changan Town, a building industrial area on the 1st South
Chuangyuan laser is a laser marking machine / laser welding machine manufacturer, product quality assurance, rapid response after-sales problems, delivery time, can be automated, to achieve mass production
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